薑汁豆花 – Instant Pot

薑汁豆花 – Instant Pot

自從我學會怎麼用Instant Pot 電子壓力鍋做出豆漿之後,對一切豆漿延伸出來的傳統食物就更有興趣了,豆花更是我們的最愛,原因只有一個就是作法太簡單,不自己動手做豆花, 好像有些對不起老祖先留下來的傳統!換個思維想, 有時候家裡人口少,自己做豆漿,完全沒有防腐劑, 要在幾天內把豆漿喝完,真的有些挑戰,尤其是夏天, 自製豆漿的保存期更有限,那何不把一半的豆漿做成豆花呢?

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Soymilk with Instant Pot

Soymilk is filled with memories of my childhood. I would sometimes see soymilk being sold at Asian grocery stores. After buying soymilk from the store a few times, I realized that they could be st kept fresh in the fridge for weeks at a time, unlike the soymilk from my childhood in Taiwan! Instant Pot has made it easier to make soymilk at home, especially for people like me who miss the taste of fresh, fragrant soymilk from my childhood.

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豆漿新法 Soy Milk with Instant Pot

在美國亞超買過豆漿, 但是買過幾次後,發現它們在冰箱裡好記星期不壞, 有些可怕. 我用手邊有得Instant Pot 做豆漿, 而且用電子壓力鍋 (Instant Pot)做豆漿最大的好處是再也不用不鍋子了, 不會噗的到處都是, 鍋子又好洗不黏鍋.滿足想家的異鄉游子可以吃到滿滿故鄉味的濃稠豆漿.

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